Sunday, February 16, 2014

An Illustration Of God's Faithfulness


Many years ago, a revivalist and minister were conducting a prayer meeting. He asked those who had tithed through the years to give a brief testimony about God's faithfulness in blessing them for their giving.

Seven people came to the front of the meeting to give witness to God's provision.  The first six gave glowing testimonies of blessings received through the years.  Then the last one spoke, Mrs. Felicity Brown. She was an old, frail, gray-haired woman.

She spoke reluctantly, "I have sacrificed and did without; I have skimped and saved pennies for the mission of the Gospel.  I gave it to the offering every week.  I wish I was able to give testimony to the faithfulness of God, but now I am old, I am unable to work at the shirt factory anymore.  I have no means of support. I do not know what I shall do!"

Those who listened to her words were more discouraged than the encouragement they had from the six who had received various blessings for their tithing.

The next day, the minister was having lunch as a guest of a major businessman.  At the dinner table, the businessman said, "Pastor, you will be interested in knowing we are trying to make the teachings of Our Lord apply to the business.  We are beginning a pension system for our employees.  We have been thinking about it for years and have been studying just how to make it work.  The plan is finally in place.  In fact, today, we are issuing our first life pension to a woman who has served our company for twenty-five years, Mrs. Felicity Brown."

Never doubt that God is faithful!

(C) Adron Dozat 2/16/14


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